Let Go of Your Past Measurements

LIFE Leadership Helping to Creating New Measurements

How many times do we make decisions based on our past? I remember the first thoughts I had of becoming an entrepreneur, so many fears, so many doubts. But as I thought through those fears and doubts I realized most of them had to do with how I performed in the past. LIFE Leadership is about giving people the tools to overcome their past and create a brighter future. If you are looking to change things in your life, you need to start changing things in your life.

Getting new information is the best start to creating positive change. With new ideas you can make new decisions and take your life in a new direction. Just remember, when you are on that new path, take new measurements often. If you begin to learn, everyday should net more growth and a better you. Also, always remember to give others around you the benefit of the doubt and give them a chance to prove they have grown as well.

The following video clip is part of a talk I gave at a LIFE Leadership seminar. The talk was inspired by a quote my mentor Orrin Woodward once shared with me.


God bless,

Dan Hawkins

6 thoughts on “Let Go of Your Past Measurements

  1. Dan,
    Thank you for providing valuable insight regarding how to overcome old, stale, nonproductive thinking. Continually measuring allows for an appreciation of growth in myself and others.


  2. Such a great quote. Thanks for bring this to light. We watched your webcast seminar, such an amazing talk. I’ve heard nearly every talk of yours on CD. I gain more confidence that I might someday succeed at Life Leadership.

  3. […] your wall unit, make sure you know measurements of all your components you […]

  4. It’s great to see a another excellent post! It’s amazing how God uses people to share truth! So often I hear folks lamenting their struggles with loved ones and co-workers. As a Life member I am encouraged knowing we have programs that (when applied) improved quality of life!

  5. Hey Dan, thanks for this, as a guy that knows my past pretty well, maybe not completely, but pretty well,
    you spoke to my heart. Digging out of a mirey hole is a lot harder than digging it in the first place.

    1. Keep fighting brother, God is good and has already forgiven you. Hope to see you soon.

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