Leadership Courage

You can not take your same old self into a bright new future. Change is the ingredient to get more out of life. So many people keep doing the same things the same ways and expect a different, better result! What stops people from creating lasting change, lack of courage, or better said the lack of ability to bring courage to the surface. We all have the courage at hand we just need to bring it out.

The problems we face today can not be solved at the same level of thinking that created them but it takes courage to address the root of the problems. Great leaders have the ability to muster the courage necessary to do what is right when it is needed.

Orrin Woodward, best selling author of Leadershift shares on the topic of courage. Orrin has not only displayed courage to do whats right, but has developed an incredible LIFE Leadership team that practices courage on a daily basis.

God bless,

Dan Hawkins

Courage is the choice to get involved in defending one’s highest held principles, even when one’s personal interest isn’t at stake. Gus Lee, author of the inspiring book, Courage, wrote, “But courage doesn’t depend on practical outcomes, risk versus gains analysis, or collateral impact on others – that’s pragmatism.  Pragmatism is the application of practicality, utility and consequences to decision making.”  Courage, on the other hand, is principle based, causing a courageous leader to sacrifice personal benefits in order to uphold the greater principle on the line.  In fact, Winston Churchill, the legendary English Prime Minster who stood up to Hitler, said, “Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities… because it is the quality which guarantees all others.”  Lee writes, “Courage is addressing wrongs in the face of fear, regardless of consequences, of risk to self, or of potential practical gains. That’s why everyone practices pragmatism and risk balancing. . . Courageous leadership is about utilizing all of our brains, character and spirit to advocate principles regardless of the odds, heedless of fear, apart from collateral impact, and independent of personal career needs.”  Les Csorba, in his book, Trust, concurs, writing, “When we follow leaders without a moral compass interested in only results, get ready for the ditch. The ditch into which modern leadership has fallen is the pit of pragmatism.”   Many confuse compromise and pragmatism, but Stephen L. Carter, Yale Law School professor, discerns the key difference, “Compromises that advance high principles are acceptable; those that do not advance high principles are not.”  Pragmatism is compromising our principles for the short term personal advancements, but noble compromises entail sacrifice of personal gains to advance the highest of principles.  Lee writes that, “Courage is manifested in courageous communication, courageous leadership, courageous problem-solving, and in resolving high-end conflicts.”   Sadly, most people will do anything except address the underlying issues, avoiding the perceived conflict because they suffer from a lack of courage, thus lack character to produce consistent leadership results.  Simply put, without practicing courageous actions in communication, leadership and problem solving, one cannot be a successful leader.  David, without the courage to face Goliath, would still be known as a shepherd of sheep, instead of the King of Israel.  In the same way, people, without the courage to confront their Goliath’s, will not achieve leadership mastery.  Courage, in today’s pragmatic world, is a lost virtue that must be re-birthed in order for character based leadership to thrive again.

9 thoughts on “Leadership Courage

  1. Great post Dan. If I can add that even those that are self-perceived as “courageous” have areas of their life that need courage to address. No one is immune to the”lack of courage disease.”

  2. Great stuff Dan! The first step of success always takes the courage to change our thinking and/or our actions to achieve a different outcome. That is MUCH easier said than done. I applaud those, like you, who provide hope to all of us that the short term pain of changing is nothing campared to the long term gain.

  3. Thanks for another great post Dan. I love your line ‘we all have the courage at hand we just need to bring it out’ That is often a battle for me, and probably many others too.

  4. Great post Dan! Your story will be heard for generations to come because of your courage. Thank you for showing us how it’s done!

  5. […] Leadership Courage | Dan Hawkins Leadership http://danhawkinsleadership.com/Courage is the choice to get involved in defending one's highest held principles, even when one's personal interest isn't at stake. […]

  6. Thanks for the perfect post Dan! Just what I needed this week. Time to face those Goliaths head on and prove we’re winners! Only action can conquer fear.

  7. I am humbled by the courage exemplified by my teammates and Life Leadership founders. Thanks for setting a high bar!

  8. Thanks dan,

    The insight that surounds the LIFE community gives me the courage to make the changes in my life that God has wanted for me, but I was too stuck in my ways. Now with the Lord and the LIFE biz I am on a path to live the life I’ve always wanted!

    Thanks again,
    Keith Whitaker

    “LIFE is Life – Fight for it”

  9. Provoking insight, thank you Dan , don’t ever stop giving us the nuggets to the path of “the life we always wanted”

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