Lets do some creative destruction with Orrin Woodward and LIFE!

I want to share an article from Orrin Woodward that I was reading this morning about creative destruction in the business world. What impresses me most about Orrin is how well read he is. Whenever I hear someone criticize Orrin or LIFE Leadership it is strictly hearsay and gossip, where Orrin always has data and history to back up his choices and thoughts. I like the saying, “In God we trust, everyone else must have data.” I have worked with Orrin and his organization for 8 years now and everything they do can be traced to numerous sources for the principles they are following. As soon as you start to study business, leadership, people and history you quickly see why Orrin does what he does and realize the greatness of LIFE Leadership.

Orrin Woodward: With freedom, entrepreneurs are always thinking of better ways to serve the customers. When a better idea is implemented, cost go down, quality goes up, and customer satisfaction is rewarded through increased profits for entrepreneurs.

This is how the-life-business came about, a group of entrepreneurs wanted a better way, a way to get life changing information that is affordable for the masses.

Orrin Woodward Woodward: Networking is long overdue for a gale of Creative Destruction that will improve the entire industry. When existing non-innovative companies run into this gale, they can respond in several ways.

The first, and best way, is to compete by developing better ideas, improving the value to all networking consumers. The second, and more common way, is to legally restrain or coerce potential competitors not to compete. This is the worst method, but sadly all too prevalent.

The third way, used when older staid companies refuse to compete in the marketplace, is to support sites who smear the new leaders. These leaders, if allowed to compete in the marketplace, would help to improve the entire industry. However, the older, more established firms view the new companies as competitive threats that must be destroyed or tamed. Therefore, if they cannot tame the new business through legitimate competition in the marketplace, then they must believe supporting an online smear campaign is their next best alternative.

Read the rest of Orrin Woodward article:

This is an interesting time in business where the internet is used to both build and destroy business. I love the freedom of speech the internet allows, however how does the person searching for truth know fact from just plain slander?

What I find interesting is the people using the internet to gossip and smear others hide behind the secrecy of the internet, not showing their face or real name! If someone has something honest to say, why hide?

I encourage you to read and listen to the information provided by the business you are looking into and make a decision based on that information. If some nameless, faceless person is giving you opinions online you can assume they are hiding and spreading false information to protest their company or just to hurt others.

Second, go to LIFE Leadership and check out the testimonies that are coming in daily from around North America. These people are willing to put their name and face to their opinion. Some are even speakers around the country that you can meet in person and look into their eyes, some will be the very people who are directly helping you build your business!

The LIFE Leadership founders have resolved to learn from our previous networking experiences, vowing to creatively destroy any parts that we did not believe satisfied or exceeded the customers’ expectations. We plan on doing this through applying free enterprise principles in the marketplace, not feeling the need to resort to reputation assassinations of our former associates. Perhaps both sides would benefit from applying this highroad principle. Certainly, the consumers would benefit by enjoying the freedom to study the pros and cons of each potential business models on its merits.

A person only has so much mental energy. The question is: what is he investing it in – dreams or dramas? The more he fills his head with dramas, the less room he has for dreams. In truth, I have never met a dream achiever who invested much time in drama loving. Conversely, I have never met a drama lover, who invested much time in dream achieving. This is why I have invested my life in dream achievement and quickly identify and disassociate myself from the drama lovers of life. Victors love dreaming for it keeps their mind free from dramas. Victims, on the other hand, love dramatizing for it keeps their mind free from dreams. Whichever group you choose to associate with determines your future destiny.

If anyone reading this has a dream and desires to achieve it by helping LIFE Leadership apply the free enterprise creative destruction principles to the networking profession, then I welcome you. If anyone reading this wants to join the online agenda-laden purveyors of dramas, then I support your right to do so. I only request that you ponder this: why is it that one side uses its freedoms to create a new business model, which benefits the consumer; while the other side uses its freedoms in an attempt to destroy the new model, which hurts the consumer? When a person realizes the economics consequences of Creative Destruction upon the older business models, the fog is lifted and the truth is revealed. Ponder wisely. :) Sincerely, Orrin Woodward

God bless, Dan Hawkins

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9 thoughts on “Lets do some creative destruction with Orrin Woodward and LIFE!

  1. […] bless, Dan Hawkins This entry was posted in L.I.F.E, Leadership and tagged Dan and Lisa Hawkins, network marketing, […]

  2. This is a great post Dan! I recently heard this quote: “Propaganda, to be effective, must be believed. To be believed, it must be credible. To be credible, it must be true.” Hubert H. Humphrey
    Most propoganda is never effective because it lacks credibility… As the-LIFE-business continues to grow, I believe the propoganda (rumors, ideas) will get lost in the shuffle of thousands of feeds with truth and data that back up our information. People will have no choice but seek credible sources. I wonder if there is a systematic way to accomplish this daunting task of fighting the media war (online)…? Hmmm…

    I’m truly blessed to be part of the community that has figured it out… thank you for all that you and Lisa do as founders!

    1. I appreciate your persepective and example Kristen!

  3. Great post about LIFE/Team from a very credible source. Thanks Dan and Orrin for your leadership.
    Steve Leurquin

  4. What a great post Dan! A must-read! The leaders that LIFE has, is truly astounding! What a blessing!

    It never ceases to amaze me at the lack of accountability in the rumor, hearsay, and gossip department.
    The saying goes, “If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.” If we choose not to dig our heels in for a cause or purpose that is just, and stand tall and accountable for our words and actions, then we are choosing to keep our feet off of the bottom of the river, and allow the “current” to carry us to the destination of “it’s” choice, and not our own. Which sadly, might be a waterfall! If someone’s cause is un-just, or not credible, the truth will knock it off it’s feet and it cannot stand. But a cause or purpose, rooted in truth, will stand no matter what comes down river.

    “…and The Truth, shall set you free.”

    Thank you for choosing to stand for something, something excellent!
    On-ward to 1 Million!

    -Tom & Claire Bauman

  5. Awesome post!, surely puts perspective on the damaging effects of negativity to our industry. It’s obvious that we are in good hands in our Team Life organization. I feel more and more confident in our own success and the people we are helping and going to help!

    Jesse Hernandez

  6. […] just read a post on Dan Hawkins blog regarding the accomplishments of new Turbo 100 leaders in the TEAM leadership system, Gary and […]

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