How is your attitude about finances?

Do you have the attitude of a winner when it comes to finances?

One of the most empowering feelings you will ever have about finances is when you realize you are in control of your financial future. So many people only focus on the downside of money. They see and feel the struggle to make and keep it. What if you had a plan and help from people who have made it through the money mind field.

The Financial Fitness Program is a program that teaches so much more about money then just to not spend it. It is an all encompassing program to help you make and keep more money.

Join New York Times Best Selling Authors Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady as they dive into the ideas of making more money and having the attitude of a winner. Orrin and Chris have both been named top teachers in the Leadership and financial world by Inc. Magizine. They speak all over the globe to help people reach their full potential.

Register today for a 2 hour webinar that will most certainly change your path financially, or if you are already on the right path, accelerate your progress!

What will be on the financial webinar?

One of the most talked about topics among people today is finances. Will I always live paycheck to paycheck? Do I have enough money to pay my bills this month? Will I be able to retire and maintain my current lifestyle? If you find yourself asking these or other financial questions, it’s time to do something about 

Join best-selling authors, Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward, as they dive into the topic of Financial Literacy. Brady and Woodward are launching a financial literacy revolution across the globe with their best-selling product, the Financial Fitness Program!

This month’s webinar topics will cover:

Chris Brady:

  • The risk factors working against your investments.
  • The right side of the risk meter.

Orrin Woodward:

  • The attitude of a winner.

Event Details:

When: Saturday, June 23rd, 2018

Time: 1pm (EST)

Price/PV: $20 (USD) 

Register NOW!

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