LIFE Leadership Review: What Do You Do?

LIFE Leadership: What Do You Do?

Posted by Orrin Woodward on March 17, 2015

Many times, I get asked what I do and my answer has been honed down to a few simple statements. It’s amazing to me how many people recognize something is wrong financially in the world, but how few have a plan to fix their personal finances. Enter LIFE Leadership and the Financial Fitness Program (FFP). It’s a systematic plan to eliminate debt, start investing in themselves, and begin building a business asset (bridge building versus barge working) by teaching others how to escape the Financial Matrix.

Of course, not everyone is looking for answers, but I have never seen a time where more people are in tune with the challenges and seeking help. To me, I am not building a business on purpose anymore, but rather building my purpose on business. For I have always helped people financially as I realized the negative effects of debt stress early in life. Now, I get rewarded for doing what the Bible tells me to do anyway – “Love people as I love myself.” I don’t tolerate debt personally and if I love others I will help them not tolerate it in their life either.

The Bible states, “The borrower is a slave to the lender.” If one of your friends was in trouble, wouldn’t you want to help? Friends, in a word, don’t let friends stay enslaved. Here is the gist of discussions I have been having with people since I discovered the Financial Matrix. Indeed, many people, who have known for years, are now wanting to get together and talk because the messaging is so clear, simple, and logical. What is your plan out of the Financial Matrix?

Question: What do you do?

I am a Director on the Underground Railroad, helping people escape the Financial Matrix.

Question: What’s the Financial Matrix?

It’s the aristocracy’s most effective system of control ever. It ensures debt and stress for the people and profit and control for them. The problem is the increased debt levels for people and governments are unsustainable. Have you noticed the rapid increase in debt levels around the world?

Yes or No or Maybe So

The good news is that there is a step-by-step plan out of the Financial Matrix. I cannot promise anything, but I think it’s worth grabbing a coffee and going over some of the details to ensure your family is protected. Which night works best for you Wed or Thursday?


Orrin Woodward

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4 thoughts on “LIFE Leadership Review: What Do You Do?

  1. Thanks for sharing this Dan! You and Lisa remain a shining example of a couple living according to their priorites! God bless

  2. Thanks for posting this Dan. ” The borrower is a slave to the lender” that was a great point that it’s a good thing to make money and have the right financial thinking so you can crawl out of the hole and help others do the same. Great article!

  3. Orrin Woodward and Dan Hawkins have changed my life. I have met them both personally and can’t wait to get around them more. Their thinking is pure and proven! Love you guys! Thank you!

  4. Great points, and thanks for the video!

    Debt is spreading across society like cancer. If I had the cure for cancer – I would share it with everyone I know. We have the cure for debt-cancer, and everyone needs to know!

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