LIFE business leadership conference

We are now two weeks from the LIFE business leadership conference in Louisville, KY. The excitement is building, LIFE members are preparing and teams are running to take home the biggest awards of the quarter.

Every quarter people travel from every corner of North America to attend a LIFE/Team leadership conference.  This is a powerful weekend filled with life changing information and moments. I have literally heard from thousands of people over the last few years on how weekends like this changed their lives. We, the founders of LIFE, are confident coming to a major leadership convention can change yours as well.

How can we be so confident? Because it has changed all of ours first. You see, the goal of LIFE is to help people become the best them so they can help others become their best.

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
― Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi


The LIFE business is creating a Leadershift by helping people around the world develop themselves. 2013 is going to be the biggest year in the history of the Team and we invite you to start off right and join us in this journey!

We cannot wait to see you there! Please find us and say hello so we can look in your eyes and welcome you to the Leadershift.

The staff at the LIFE business has put together an incredible video to capture the feeling of this life changing weekend, enjoy!

God bless,

Dan and Lisa Hawkins


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26 thoughts on “LIFE business leadership conference

  1. Very good stuff! Thanks for sharing Dan. One of these conventions Definately changed my life, and usually everyone that follows keeps changing me! In a very powerful way. 😉

    1. Thanks for sharing Robby, we look forward to seeing you play your part in 2013!

  2. I know it has changed my life and the lives of all those who haves attended before. Do you want a better life this year? Come and see for yourself.

  3. We cant wait! Looking forward to incredible speakers and info. We need a leadershift for sure! This world needs it.

  4. I,m soooooo excited ! I can’t wait for the Major Leadership Conference ! Every single person that has come with us to this has changed their life in some way , shape , or form . I love watching peoples faces the 1st time they attend one of these . Not only do people gain belief in themselves , but belief in other people . And we all get great information to take out in the world and accomplish what ever it is we are striving for ! Like I said I’M EXCITED !

    1. Watching first timers faces is great, Kelli. I love your pic by the way!

  5. Awesome! I love the video that was posted along with it! 🙂

    1. That video rocks!

      1. You can say that again!

  6. The best thing is the energy that you receive. It takes you to a new stronger level of confidence.

  7. Wouldn’t Miss This For The World!!! Can’t wait to see everyone in Kentucky.

    1. See you there! Let’s hope for some sunny 60 degree weather!

  8. You said it Dan! Thanks for investing so much time speaking with us for the ticket holder and after! Folks who have never been to a TEAM Life Leadership event cannot fathom the breadth of wisdom that will be offered for $150! These tickets are worth $5,000 easy! I triple dog dare any skeptics to attend and see for themselves!

    1. And the brand new person is getting their ticket at the discounted rate of $100!!! What other company does that?! An entire weekend of learning for $100, that is insane!

  9. we love the major conventions and can’t wait for this next one! I have no idea how you could possibly improve this business anymore than you have, but I’m sure that you guys will still find some way to do it.

    Can’t wait to see everyone in Louisville!!

    1. Adam, you are right. It just keeps getting better!!! LIFE is like nothing else!

  10. This is where dreams happen, this is where your dreams come true! This is what life is all about and you cant miss out on a life changing movement like this! If you think there is no other way and tired of struggling every day and knowing what you are doing is not going to get you your dreams and goals, then your in the right place right here! Welcome to a world changing movement that is going to bring this country back to the principles on which we were founded upon and get us back on track! This is the first day of the rest of your life! Live it with excellence! This is your chance!

  11. We cannot wait for the major! It’s a sanguine/choleric’s dream…fun with friends, road trip, energy, culmination of last cycles hard work, recognition, fresh start for the next cycle, encouraging your team mates, inspiration, learning! We so look forward to every team event, but there’s a reason it’s called a MAJOR leadership conference.

  12. Top leadership minds in the world! You’ve got to love it! Cant wait to see you guys there!

  13. Can’t wait! we will be there with as many people as we possibly can to see all the new growth that has happened in the last 3 months. matt

    1. I completely agree with that Matt. This weekend will be one for the record books. Can’t wait to see all of the Power Player recognition. Alex

  14. Excited is an understatement……This is where lives are changed and destiny’s are born!

  15. I believe… we are going to one million people.

  16. Fired Up! Fired Up! Fired Up Fired Up!

  17. […] on in January.  We are so pleased to have Orrin and Laurie Woodward, Claude and Lana Hamilton and Dan and Lisa Hawkins all in Ottawa.  These weekends are designed to help people see the big picture in what the LIFE […]

  18. […] other day while going through some older notes that I had taken at a LIFE Leadership Convention, I came across a page that I titled “15 Things that Shred Teams” that was based on a […]

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